Secession of 1834

The Secession of 1834 refers to a split that occurred from out of the Dutch Reformed Church in the year 1834. The federation of churches resulting from this Secession, the Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerken (CGK), still exists in the Netherlands today. The Free Reformed Churches are the North American counterpart.


The Secession of 1834 began in Ulrum, a town in the north of the Dutch province of Groningen. Leading up to this Secession, their pastor, the Rev. Hendrik de Cock, was forbidden by the government to preach and ordered not to warn people against what he believed to be the erroneous teachings of some of his colleagues.[1] He was also forbidden to baptize the children of believers who refused to have their children baptized by their own ministers who they believed not sound in the faith.

Therefore, on 14 December 1834, a large majority of the congregation of the Dutch Reformed Church in Ulrum, signed The Act of Secession and Return, breaking away from the State Church.
